Incertezza relativa all'introduzione dell'Euro: studio dell'impatto della nuova moneta

I risvolti psicologici ad esso connessi.

CLASSE 4^A PERITI               Anno scolastico 1999/2000

prof.ssa Anna Filippini (Discipline Tecniche e Aziendali)

The students of my class (4° A per.)  have studied the origin of the Common Market, the conditions required to enter in the U.E and the ones necessary to ensure that the Euro will be successful.

They have examined articles from many Italian and foreign newspapers dealing with the introduction of the Euro in the various countries and they have also made some interviews (Families and Companies) to know what people think about the Euro and what consequences they will face in everyday life.

They have also considereded what the international opinion leaders have forecast (many of them are optimist about the future of the Euro) and then they have written an essay expressing the feeling they have got from all what they have heard and read on the matter.

They have weighed the pros and cons of the introduction of the Euro and in general they agree with the starting of the new single currency, because they think that the pros are much more than the cons, especially for companies, because they have a larger market, no expenses of change, stability of prices in Euro area.

Also savers will have some advantages, like inflation under control and more chances of diversification of investments, due to a supernational market.

Travellers will be supported by fixed changes and prices in the same currency.

But someone is afraid that Italy may face many sacrifices to remain into the Euro area, but they think that it is worthwhile.

The students agree with those interviewed that very little will change in everyday life, even if they see a loss of independence of the member countries, because they will no more have their own currency and the Central European bank will decide rates of interest and performances for all the countries.

The European Union development is seen as the first step for a political union, useful for all the world, because will promote European growth.